Yahoo will change its name: it will be called Altaba inc.

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer will no longer be part of the company’s board of directors and will change her name as part of the transition to join Verizon. It will be called Altaba Inc. UPDATE: It was revealed that not all of Yahoo will change its name to Altaba Inc. but only the holding company that Verizon will not buy. That is, Yahoo will be divided in two, the part Venezuela Phone Number List that does not go to Verizon will be called Altaba. Last July it was announced that Verizon would buy Yahoo for 4.8 billion dollars . During recent months, the transaction was in jeopardy after it became known that Yahoo was the victim of hackers who stole hundreds of millions of personal account data.

This Monday it was announced that the current CEO, Marissa Mayer , along with five other executives, will leave the Yahoo board of directors as part of the transition to be part of Verizon. In addition, the name Yahoo will go down in history because the organization will change its name. It will be called Altaba Inc. Yahoo was one of the most popular search engines Phone Number List during the birth of the world wide web in the 1990s. When Google pulled it out of the segment, it became a digital platform with dozens of advertising and content products such as Yahoo Fantasy, Yahoo Answers, and Yahoo Finance. According to data from Statista, in 2017 Yahoo will have 3.5 percent of the market share of display advertising on the internet. It currently has 2.95 percent of searches on the network and during the third quarter of 2016 it had revenues of $ 1.3 billion.

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