consisting of advanced training with virtual reality in an airline in Japan. “The 5G El Salvador Email List network allows capturing a large amount of information from multiple devices, from vital signs sensors, the Internet of Things (IoT), body temperature, eye movement, person movement, etc. This information is transmitted without latency and processed, and delivered to the end user through a virtual helmet in an immersive experience that allows them El Salvador Email List to learn in real time ”, exemplified Rojas, from NEC. All of this complemented by good processing power. And all this is done at the edge of the network, close to the user, and the control function is the one El Salvador Email List that has to go to the core .
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“All these technologies will play a more important role in the creation of services, in El Salvador Email List addition to the ability to orchestrate all the players in the network so that the application is a success,” he added. The world of gaming is another in which it is expected to generate a large volume of business, where the technologies that will support all this from behind will gain relevance. “It is an ecosystem that at the network level implies great data capacity, El Salvador Email List with low latency in which these contents are assured as much as possible to the user, and here the creation of a cloud at the edge of the network is recommended”, Noguer added, Juniper Networks, which also mentioned the mining industry as another space in which it is possible to El Salvador Email List monetize new services.
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In any case, there was a coincidence that 5G will enable co-creation spaces together El Salvador Email List with customers. “The service is no longer pure connectivity to be of added value for the value chain of that client. Among all the actors they look for the point where the client requires help using the capabilities of the 5G network, ”said Rojas. In the 5G era, latency will be extremely important and monetization will come from industrial control of automation. “El Salvador Email List The operator does not have to know all the industrial processes, but he does have to collaborate with manufacturers that work in this environment to provide these services, and co-create jointly,” said Noguer. Both stated that new spaces are being opened to monetize and that it will be El Salvador Email List necessary.