My colleagues ask for leave from

Have you ever met a colleague who frequently calls in sick and leaves the work to others? In the workplace, it is not only the boss and the supervisor who do not like employees to take frequent leave. If the work content is related or they are acting as agents, colleagues are also afraid because once someone is away, the work will have to be distributed among the colleagues. You are already busy enough, but you have to help your colleagues with their work. Who would not feel annoyed?

It is better to do these things and not let your colleagues’ leave become a burden to you.

Know your interests

All employees should know clearly how much annual leave and sick leave they have. In this way, employees should not bargain with the excuse of “not enough leave”. In addition, even if it is annual leave, it is South Korea Phone Number List also divided into different natures, and the rules that should be followed (such as continuing to update the work, rather than completely handing it over to others) must be reminded to employees who are on leave. If everyone is self-conscious, employees who continue to stay at their posts will not suddenly face the burden of a surge in workload.

Phone Number List

Request for punishment system

It is necessary to review work performance and conduct performance evaluation. Especially for employees who are late, leave early, or often ask for leave. Of course, if there is a personal emergency. It is understandable to  do so occasionally. But if an employee is absent from work from time to time, delaying official business or even causing others to clean up the mess, such an Germany Business Phone List employee must be warne or stopp as soon as possible. Otherwise, this will affect the work mood of others, causing stress and dissatisfaction, which is very unfair to responsible employees. Therefore, you, the diligent one, can ask to include attendance rate in the performance evaluation to make overly lazy colleagues a little afraid.

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