In all possible abbreviation This data comes from us humans but how Everything you do on the Internet stores and feeds this massive wave of big data. Literally everything from your use of social media applications to your bank records your medical history your movements everything you can imagine.
Do not underestimate this amount
of huge data it is very huge for example in one minute acc Uruguay Mobile Number List ording to . Domo thousand tweets are shared on Twitter. thousand photos are posted on Instagram. million pieces of content are published on Facebook. It has been searched million times on Google.
hours of videos are uploaded
YouTube. $ is spent on Amazon. $K sent through Venmo. million e Kuwait B2C Phone List mails are sent. I will not discuss with you the number of visitors to the . AlRabehun website who benefit from our articles daily. These unimaginable numbers related to big data increase every day and every second as the number of people using the Internet increases.