What’s Going On Online

Generative AI (GenAI) can help you find exactly what you’re looking for. Last year, searches containing 5 or more words grew significantly. Consumers search with the goal of finding the information they want in one go.
Search has become more complex. For example, people are now searching for “What are some good options for a day out in Rotterdam with kids?” These are complete questions that require direct advice. Previously, as a user, you had to read a number of articles and then draw your own conclusions. Today’s consumers are not interested in this.

Searching is not just about

Today, you no longer search with just text. You Turkey Phone Number now search with images (via Google Lens) and soon with videos as well. 12 billion visual searches are conducted via Google Lens every month, of which a quarter have commercial intent.
Turkey Phone Number
What are the latest figures for media use in the Netherlands for the total population and for different generations (by age)?

I’ll take you through the most interesting results

The annual “?” survey by the research Austria number data Ruigrok is already in its 17th year. The agency surveyed more than 2,000 Dutch people aged 14 and over about their online consumer behavior. Always an interesting point to measure, because while there won’t be big surprises, it’s always good to know what’s going on.

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