The video game industry has been a gold Aruba Email List mine for brands and companies for years. Millions of young people (and not so young) around the world spend their free hours in front of their screens in Aruba Email List search of entertainment. The pandemic has also brought other reasons behind this sector to the table that make it a safe value bet in the post-Covid-19 Aruba Email List context.
L os virtual spaces, and present a great Aruba Email List alternative audiovisual entertainment platforms have become sociabilización environments suitable to create communities. There are even those who already categorize video games as part of the Social Media fan. A 2019 SuperData Aruba Email List study of tweens in the US states that “one of the main reasons why 7-12 year olds played online games like Roblox, Minecraft and Fortnite is to spend time with friends after the game. school”. This factor has become doubly essential after Aruba Email List confinement.
Además, un extenso artículo de Nielsen Aruba Email List sobre este fenómeno pone sobre la mesa el creciente volumen de facturación de esta industria y el destacado “boom” que tuvo en marzo, Aruba Email List con motivo de la pandemia. Se trata de sale leads una tendencia de crecimiento regular: el gasto en juegos digitales en la primera mitad del año aumentó un 12% en Aruba Email List comparación con 2019.