Variety These are the forms


 This is in addition to the connection of other things in our lives to the Internet. For example the Internet of Things or IOT will contribute to doubling these numbers. Also a large portion of big data in the future will come from the health systems associated with it . Selfdriving cars automation and robots that will occupy every aspect of our lives which will depend absolutely on big data.


 Because of the fluidity

of the term big data researchers have agreed on five basic charac Conduit Cn Mobile Number List teristics or characteristics of big data which they called the five V principles which are Volume This relates to the large amount of data that we produce at every moment. Velocity which is the speed of producing and sharing this big data.


 Whether it is related to social

media or the results of scientific research. in whi Kuwait B2C Phone List ch big data is formed and are not related to being textual or visual but rather to the nature of the data itself in terms of whether it is structured or unstructured.



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