However, taking these limitations into account, the Federation or the States may, within their respective powers, grant concessions, permits or licenses to owners, proprietors, associations, public or private organizations, indigenous peoples and other interested parties for work in nature reserves or Activity Authorization. Mexican nature reserve.
Michoacán Monarch Butterfly Biosphere
Reserve According to the Mexican Israel WhatsApp Number government portal, this nature reserve is classified as a biosphere reserve in any operation and month, and its wealth lies in its forests of oyamel, pine, oak and cedar, and unique animal societies. Registered vertebrate species include amphibian species, reptile species, bird species, and mammalian species.
It is located in the city
in the state of Mexico and in the city Austria Number Data of , in the state of Michoacán. This is also the migratory, overwintering and breeding area for the monarch butterfly, one of the most interesting specimens of the species due to its unique life cycle and metabolic characteristics that protect it from predators. It is recognized as a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO, the , Scientific and Cultural Organization, because it protects an important wintering site for monarch butterflies.
. Itacihuatl-Popocatepetl National Park in Mexico and Puebla Itacihuatl-Popocatepetl National Park is renowned for its outstanding biodiversity and rich ecosystems. Volcanic areas and their areas of influence provide environmental services. Animal, plant and mineral resources used by inhabitants.
In the valleys surrounding these mountains, indigenous settlers domesticated plants such as corn, squash, beans, peppers, and amaranth, foods that still support local diets today. This hectare park is located in the Mexican states of Puebla and Morelos. It is part of the Sierra Nevada and one of the oldest protected areas in Mexico.