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There was a fourth batch on this frequency that did not receive proposals and it is the intention of Philippines Phone Number List to offer them to the large providers. To do this, this block will be divided into 20 MHz batches so that none of the companies acquire more spectrum than the other and do not Philippines Phone Number List exceed the established ceilings. As the acquisition of spectrum implies coverage obligations, it is estimated that between the weekend and Monday, the operators will improve their strategies to comply with the proposals raised in the process. The obligations include the installation of 5G in cities with more than 30,000 inhabitants, starting in 2022 in the capitals, and fiber optic Philippines Phone Number List in municipalities. They will also have to pay for the migration of TVRO systems from satellite band C to band K,

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in addition to vacating the 3.625-3.7 GHz band, in addition to implementing public and private networks in the Amazon, the latter for use by the Government. Federal. Where did Philippines Phone Number List II go? Thanks to the almost 254 million dollars offered, it was left with 10 MHz on the 700 MHz frequency. The minimum price to keep that portion was almost 28 million dollars (157 million Philippines Phone Number List ), which shows that the company wanted ensure your entry into the market as it were, even when you do it through 4G. The company assumed the following coverage obligations, all to be fulfilled in the month of December from 2023 to 2029, according to Philippines Phone Number List : until December 2023 it will connect

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40 percent of the cities that do not have Philippines Phone Number List and will provide mobile services at 10 percent from federal highways. Then, and until the same month of 2024, it will connect 70 percent of the locations with 4G and will bring up to 20 percent coverage on highways. By the end of 2025, it will connect 100 percent of the locations with Philippines Phone Number List and 50 percent of the routes, a percentage that will take up to 70 percent the following year, and to 90 percent in December 2029. Brazil’s 5G tender captured the interest of 15 operators. Other companies, less known in the region, but with great weight in this country for making up the group of small Internet providers, responsible for connecting 40 percent of the population , also became spectrum. One of them was Philippines Phone Number List , which offered a first.

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