business in Panama and the creation of a joint venture 50 / 50 with Bolivia Phone Numbers List in Chile, whose merger closings are expected to be completed in 2022. «These transactions will allow us to improve our networks and client proposals, including the completion of our product portfolios to create convergent businesses in Costa Rica and Chile, at the same time that weBolivia Phone Numbers List generate important synergies ”. “Penetration of fixed and mobile data services remains relatively low in our markets and we are committed to investing in our networks and product offerings to provide greater access to high-speed connectivity solutions for our customers. So far this year, we have added or improved approximately Bolivia Phone Numbers List homes ”. In the mobile sector, meanwhile, its base increased by 74,000 subscribers,
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while postpaid customers accounted for roughly half of the additions. Bolivia Phone Numbers List All in all, the operational aspects highlighted in the third quarter of 2021, showed an increase of one percent in its total clients, going from 3,201,700 in 2020 to 3,246,700; and fixed Bolivia Phone Numbers List rose four percent from 6,144,200 to 6,418,800 in the year-on-year comparison. In turn, mobile subscribers rose 116 percent, from 3,378,500 to 7,293,900. The ARPU also registered an increase, in fixed was of two percent, evolving from 47.4 dollars in 2020 to 48.19 in 2021; and in mobile, the advance was eight percent, rising from Bolivia Phone Numbers List year-on-year. Cash flow from operations and adjusted free cash flow for the first nine months of the year were $ 718 million and $ 149 million, respectively,
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representing strong growth year-over-year. “We are on track to exceed our free Bolivia Phone Numbers List cash flow guidance of approximately $ 200 million and we also doubled our share buyback activity in the third quarter compared to the second,” the operator said in his presentation. Bolivia Phone Numbers List “As we approach the end of the year, we are focused on meeting our objectives and establishing a platform for sustained organic growth in all of our operations. We are also working diligently to integrate the operations we have acquired in Puerto Rico and Costa Rica, as well as closing the announced transactions in Panama and Chile. We are Bolivia Phone Numbers List confident that together these actions will create additional value and position us to deliver higher adjusted free cash flow in the coming years, “he stressed.