It’s time to work: the OAS will take Uruguay Phone Number List recommendations to reduce the digital divide Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Skype (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Uruguay Phone Number List (Opens in a new window) Let’s see how we can get to work to reduce the digital divide. On the last day of the Latin American Congress on Digital Transformation 2021 (Uruguay Phone Number List 2021), the issue of digital inclusion and access gaps was addressed and, once again, the existing obstacles in the different countries of the region to expand connectivity were exposed , and also the recommendations to evolve at once towards better standards in terms of penetration of the service,
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improvement of the existing and cultural Uruguay Phone Number List changes that go from education to other activities in pursuit of development. The opening of the panel Digital inclusion and access gaps , which brought together regulators, companies and industry organizations, was led by Hilda Vázquez Uruguay Phone Number List , founder and director of the consultancy Inclusión y , who raised the discussion and gave the A word to Oscar León, executive secretary of the Inter-American Telecommunications Commission (Uruguay Phone Number List ). The official pointed out that despite the exponential growth in the use of digital platforms and services that occurred in the last decade, more than 40 percent of the region’s population is still disconnected.
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He mentioned the difficulties that the pandemic caused in the Uruguay Phone Number List education of the child population, and that the digital divide is greater among women due to the existing gender barriers both in terms of access to infrastructure and the financial system, Uruguay Phone Number List which is why they should be provoke transformations in cultural contexts. In line with a report published a few weeks ago by the Uruguay Phone Number List , he argued that it is necessary to focus on “the focus of digital transformation is on people and not on networks. Long-term regulations and policies should include technology appropriation for citizens ”,