Those who are bedridden can apply for home vaccination through

As of September 19, 2021, more than 57% of the population in Malaysia have completed two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine; more than 68% of the population have received the first dose of the vaccine. Our vaccination program is in full swing in various places. If there are bedridden patients at home who have not been vaccinated, you can apply through the MySejahtera application and ask medical staff to come to your home to vaccinate the patient!


The Special Committee on COVID-19 Vaccine Supply (JKJAV) issued an announcement on Twitter stating that if citizens or their family members are bedridden, they can request to be vaccinated early or at home.

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Steps to apply for home vaccination through

1. Open MySejahtera and click [Help Desk]

2. Select [A] Vaccination Appointment

3. Select [C] I am / my dependent is bedridden and Senegal Phone Number List require vaccination at home (I am / my dependent is bedridden and requires vaccination at home)

Senegal Phone Number List

4. Finally, fill in the patient’s personal information

In addition, JKJAV also pointed. Out that if there are special reasons such as studying abroad. Working abroad, people. With disabilities or Singapore Business Phone List the elderly. Need to go abroad for medical treatment, they can also apply for early vaccination or change the vaccination appointment date.

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