This is how the big companies in the network plan to survive Apple’s data block: what it says about the future of online advertising

Like pieces of dominoes that will progressively fall with a first blow, the movements that promise more privacy from the large internet companies have been positioning themselves over the last few years and will come into force over Jordan Mobile Database the coming months, one after another. Google’s actions – which will make cookies obsolete and will force the advertising market to migrate to alternative formats – have become the recurring headline and one of the main concerns of the industry. It has a lot of logic. Google’s movements will have a general impact among Internet users, since they will start with a default blocking of cookies in Chrome and this is the most used browser in the world.  Jordan Mobile Database

However, Google is not alone in making privacy moves that will affect how advertising will be targeted. Apple is also there, determined to block the tracking processes of mobile apps in its operating system for these devices by default. iOS will ask its users if they want to block mobile apps Brother Cell Phone List from following them. If they say yes, the players in the advertising industry will be left without that data source. Apple’s movement has been very controversial: it is the basis of the open war that it has right now against Facebook. The giant has published announcements, made statements criticizing the movement and has positioned itself against it. After all, as the company itself acknowledged in its last statement to shareholders, Apple’s decisions will have a direct effect on their business areas and can lead them to lose a lot of money in advertising revenue, since their ads will lose the company. time to shape the market.

The digital advertising industry may be very much against what Apple is doing, but it can do very little against it. That is, as much as the movement bothers them and as much as they want Apple not to jump into it, they will not be able to stop the giant’s actions. The only thing they can do is look for alternatives so that the blow is much less hard. The alternatives that they are launching or are working on can also be seen as an example of where the future of digital advertising is heading and how these players could operate in an industry in which it seems increasingly difficult to process information.

The industry is already looking for ways to curb the impact of Apple’s measure and to position itself with solutions that allow them to segment advertising as they have been doing until now: an analysis by The Wall Street Journal shows the main lines in which the main ones are working. In general, companies are focusing on notification systems and new advertising techniques, assuming that things are going to be the way Apple wants them to be. As a consultant explains to the Journal, most have resigned themselves to the reality of the movement. Thus, Facebook is going to use a pop-up system to remind consumers of the importance of personalized advertising and its impact on business (basically, they are going to play the card they already used in their advertising campaign on personalized ads, that of how businesses – and SMEs – need ads for consumers to discover). Of course, launching pop-ups does not seem entirely the best idea, because users in general hate them.

Google has announced that it will accept Apple’s new measures, although it acknowledges that this will affect the visibility of advertising metrics. The company will use more of an app that deduces what happens to the interactions of the ads without using personal data that identifies users. And, in China, the China Advertising Association is working on a system that would work as an alternative and neutralize Apple’s terms. It is an alternative tracking system, which follows consumers but is not blocked by rejection of tracking manifested using a “device fingerprint” model. Using other elements generated by the terminal (such as the IP), it can be tracked. The idea is behind the great Chinese giants of the network (but not TikTok), but the idea could collide with Apple’s rules.


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