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For the Denmark Phone Number List Alliance, the performance of mobile networks should be rated by the balance of their traffic and their energy savings Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Skype (Opens in a new window)Click to share on (Opens in a new Denmark Phone Number List window) “The path to zero watts with zero load for future generations of networks must continue, especially considering the use of artificial intelligence techniques to intelligently coordinate and to optimize Denmark Phone Number List more precise decisions for the activation and deactivation of the sleep mode and the shutdown functions,

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as well as on-demand network sizing, ”said Anita Denmark Phone Number List , CEO of the Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance (NGMN Alliance). His gaze takes as a starting point the project that the Denmark Phone Number List Alliance announced and called Green Future Networks: Network Energy Efficiency , which can be deepened in the document available here and in which it identifies key solutions and best practices to promote energy savings in this type of mobile networks. In this bid, the NGMN Alliance analyzed different strategies, existing and future, at the level of the base station equipment, the site and the Denmark Phone Number List network; He underlined the use of spectrum efficiency that fifth-generation technology facilitates and the need to incorporate automation and functionalities such as.

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“suspension” to turn off hardware when it has a low charge, Denmark Phone Number List as well as resorting to the use of renewable energy and smart batteries. He also raised the use of the advantages of virtualization technology and the benefits of energy saving solutions based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) . Even the Denmark Phone Number List Alliance ruled in this document that, despite the fact that operators are already increasing the use of energy saving functions, the forecasts point to a significant increase in their consumption during the next two years due to a considerable increase in energy consumption. traffic in a Denmark Phone Number List wide range of use cases, new technologies and spectrum, a large number of connections, and network.

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