The use of discount coupons kills customer loyalty to the brand

In these times of economic crisis, the use of discount coupons has been and continues to be the most used resource by FMCG marketing departments as the star promotional action to meet or approach sales objectives year after year. However, the IRI study “Pricing and Promotion in Europe FMCG” highlights that the effectiveness of promotions Bolivia Mobile Database has reached its inflection point and large manufacturers are re-evaluating their promotional strategies. A fact that shows this is that, while the volume of promoted product increased by 2.7% in Europe (2.5% in Spain), sales only increased by 1.7% in Europe (1.6% in Spain) , until mid-2013 The study concludes that the pure and hard-priced promotions no longer bring benefits to either the brand or the distributor and the great challenge is to persuade the consumer with new promotional actions that generate better results, among others, actions promotional that serve to regain brand loyalty. Bolivia Mobile Database

Price promotions have been an important part of the marketing mix, but in the last 5 years the number of products sold in promotion has increased and already represents 40% of the sales of branded products and only 42% of consumers have a brand in mind before going to buy, according to a survey by Bain & Company and Kantar Worldpanel 2012, which Brother Cell Phone List is clear evidence that brands suffer a very significant erosion of branding and manufacturers are losing more and more strength on the shelf. It is logical, since saving has become one of the fundamental values ​​for the consumer in times when uncertainty is high and the decrease in income is marked. Any consumer tries by all means to save money on his daily purchase.

The use of coupons can work well to attract new customers, to invite a new consumer to try a product or service at a fantastic price that you cannot give up and for which you prefer to your competition. But the massive and indiscriminate use of coupons as a loyalty action is absolutely discouraged since it implies a continuous degradation of the value of our product through continuous discounts. It has been written and said many times before that excessive offers and promotions are counterproductive for brands in the long term. A regular customer will never be able to understand that access to a discount is generalized and accessible to anyone. What can be done then?

REWARD, reward for being loyal, for buying my brand over and over again, which is the idea of ​​a Loyalty Program. A coupon is a one-time reward only for the next purchase. The idea is to reward in the next 5 or 10 purchases. With this you increase the value of your proposal, of your brand. A coupon detracts from your proposal, reduces the price for very little effort, is easily affordable, is short-term.

A reward for future purchases, cumulative, knowing that I am being rewarded more than another customer who has just entered the circuit later than me is rewarding and motivates to continue The pure and simple price discount results in a constant and real devaluation of the brand and the product. The client of a Loyalty Program basically asks for exclusivity and to be treated with some kind of deference or advantage. According to a study by MaritzLoyalty in the US, Loyalty Programs have become a very important aspect of the marketing mix and of the consumer experience with brands: 71% American consumers are enrolled in one or more loyalty programs 57% American consumers modify purchasing patterns to maximize the benefits of a loyalty program 80% think that participation in programs is worth it. Other data that reinforces this idea is a recent survey carried out in the UK and where 58% of English consumers prefer a prize or reward in a loyalty program compared to 45% who prefer discount coupons or lower prices. The goal of a good Loyalty Program is to maintain and grow the value of our product to ensure customer loyalty.

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