The system will issue a parcel number immediately

In addition, and send an automatic message informing. The customer of the parcel number. Stores don’t have to type in parcel numbers to send to customers themselves. Connect to the PEAK Account accounting. Program to allow merchants to issue receipts tax invoices. E-Tax Invoice, and plan accounting and taxes in the system. Store statistics page summarizes income, sales, costs – profits of best-selling products. What type of delivery do customers choose to use the most? To analyze and plan sales for the next time to sell better than before. Reduce costs, reduce expenses escalate. Because whenever our store has more orders and better sales.

The online store’s back-end system helps reduce costs

The store has to hire employees Nigeria WhatsApp Number List to help manage the orders. To be able to sell things in time. Some unnecessary expenses are eliminated, such as stores not having to hire multiple chat admins to answer chats on each platform. Because the back office system can combine chats from all channels into one system or print parcel cover sheets. that can be printed right from the system without having to write by hand And you can call a car to pick up the parcel and pick it up without having to go out and deliver it yourself, etc. 4. Help increase sales When we have a back-end system The back-end system has come in to help manage your social media store more systematically than before.

Whatsapp Number List

Store owners will have time to focus on sales plans

To further improve the product Brazil Email List In many backend systems, there will be a statistics page. Keep summarizing sales figures for use in planning product sales to support the growth of the store’s business on online channels next time. Campaign Details is a page that tells you campaign details and additional settings such as A/B testing (which are too detailed and advanced for beginners). We can leave it blank for now), enter the budget or the amount of money we want to spend on this campaign. You can set it in 2 ways. Daily Budget is the budget that will be spent per day on advertising. Lifetime Budget is setting a budget for advertising for the entire lifetime. Facebook will calculate it according to the day we set the ads to be turned on and off automatically.

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