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in the department of Chocó, Colombia, turned on the first 4G antenna of Tigo that will allow Namibia Email List residents to access better connectivity. It is an area made up of 320 residents and is one of the 1,636 remote towns in this country that do not have Internet services and over which Tigo must deploy infrastructure as part of its obligations to fulfill in the next four years. The antenna will operate in the 700 MHz band and is part of the Rural Coverage Namibia Email List Expansion Project activated in 2019 when the last spectrum auction was held. This town has never had access to the Internet, as it happens in other parts of Colombia, but that is well repeated in other countries in the region, with the same connectivity needs, among other types of Namibia Email List infrastructure.

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Curundó la Banca is located 32 kilometers from Namibia Email List Chocó and 108 kilometers from the department’s main hospital. Tigo reported, through a statement, it will invest about 765,000 dollars (3,000 million Colombian pesos) to fulfill the obligations acquired in the 2019 auction, as established together with the Ministry of ICT. “Every so often we speak and expose from a screen about closing the digital divide. But we in Tigo can say that we are already traveling through deep Colombia. Namibia Email List We can say that we are closing the digital divide where it matters, on the ground. We are not able to measure what it means to bring the Internet to an area that had never had an antenna. It is something that fills us with pride and it is a commitment to Namibia Email List continue forward ”,

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emphasized Marcelo Cataldo, president of Tigo. In an interview with Namibia Email List o had assured that there were 10 million Colombians on 2G and 3G networks, which was like keeping them watching black and white television . Hence the enthusiasm for these first deployments that, given the geographical characteristics of the area, deserve to be highlighted. A few days ago, Claro also reported on the deployment of 4G in southern Colombia . Tags: 4G , rural connectivity , Tigo Colombia By Namibia Email List Andrea Catalano Andrea is the Editor-in-Chief of Andrea is a journalist and has a degree in Social Communication from the National University of Cuyo. For more than 20 years, he has followed the information and communication technology sector and its impact Namibia Email List on the economy and society.

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