The next terrain that Apple wants to conquer is online advertising


One of the great soap operas that big internet companies have been embroiled in in recent months is the tug of war of privacy on Apple devices. With the latest update to their operating systems, Apple devices are going to make it much more difficult for the Internet giants to follow consumers and accumulate data about them to serve advertising. Apple has defended that it has made this decision to protect the privacy of consumers and to give them more tools to control what happens to their data.

The industry does not see it that way and the most vocal of the opponents of the movement is Facebook. According to their accusations, with this movement it prevents them from doing their job and, in addition, they India Mobile Database accuse them of not being such a disinterested movement. Facebook says its practices are anti-competitive. Its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, has said that Apple may talk about “helping people, but the movement clearly follows their competitive interests.” With the action of Apple and with the restriction of data collection, collecting information and segmenting advertising on the network for users of their devices has become more complicated. India Mobile Database

And perhaps the giant’s latest move will give them reason, because Apple wants to launch now to strengthen its presence in the online advertising market. Apple already sells ads online in its ecosystem, but for now its presence in the advertising market is minimal. That is, it is not a competitor of those Brother Cell Phone List who usually end up starring in the analyzes. It has not even been one of the names that has sounded in recent years as one of the giants that could break the Facebook-Google duopoly (who has done it has been Amazon).As the Financial Times has learned , Apple plans to expand its advertising business. Right now, Apple sells advertising in the search results of its App Store. The move he is now trying is to add a new advertising position: it will be in the apps suggested in his App Store.

The advertising will appear there at the end of this month (which is practically already), according to sources close to the economic newspaper, and will offer developers a new window to position the apps. It may seem like a small thing but it is not. The move implies that Apple wants to get more out of the ad market, and it wants to do so just as it has maneuvered to reduce what potential rivals can do. In the Financial Times they speak of this launch as the first concrete sign that Apple wants to improve its advertising business. It’s not that surprising either. Big technology companies are already making money with advertising and Apple has been trying for a few years now. As you recall in the FT, in 2010 he made a millionaire purchase of a mobile advertising company and launched iAd.

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