The music industry has suffered a severe blow as a result Burkina Faso Email List of the coronavirus crisis and the last few months have not been easy for this sector. However, during the first half of the year strongly marked Burkina Faso Email List by the pandemic that put an end to physical events, the consumption of music through digital streaming platforms has saved the sector in Spain from the decline . This is revealed by Promusicae , the association of Music Producers of Spain. In the first half of the Burkina Faso Email List year,
During this period and according to the Burkina Faso Email List entity’s figures (which represents close to 95% of the Spanish phonographic industry), the sector’s income reached 145.1 million euros, compared to the 139.5 million euros that it added in the same period last year , although the growth is far from that obtained in previous years. It should be noted that digital models already represent Burkina Faso Email List almost 88% of total revenue. “After long years of work, innovation, adaptation and investment in the industry, we can boast of having achieved a high digitization in the distribution of recorded Burkina Faso Email List music ,
something that, in circumstances like the Burkina Faso Email List current ones, benefits us and that, unfortunately, have not achieved other sectors of the economy. The fact that the industry has proven to be resilient in the COVID crisis in the first half of 2020 is very gratifying and is the result of Burkina Faso Email List the companies’ successful digital sale leads strategy in recent years, ”explains Antonio Guisasola, President of Promusicae. «In times of pandemic and domestic seclusion, record companies have been practically the only source of income for many artists, Burkina Faso Email List given the general decline in their activity and the impossibility of organizing live concerts, “he adds.