The Labor Party’s backpedaling of its position on BNO arouses doubts among “yellow friends” and displeases hawkish organizations about its lack of hard-line Hong Kong policies

The Labor Party’s  British general election will be held in two days. According to multiple latest polls, the Labor Party’s support rate exceeds 40%, and it is certain to win. The Conservative Party still only has about 20%. Several blocks behind, and a change of government is a foregone conclusion. After the general election. Whether the Labor Party’s stance o The future direction of the “lifeboat” is unclear. In addition, the Labor Party’s stance on China and the Hong Kong Special. Administrative Region is also quite “realistic” and lacks hardness. All these factors have made the Hong Kong chaos organization unhappy, and the “yellow friends. Who immigrat to the UK will inevitably have doubts.

The BNO plan will continue to

He pointeout that although the Labor Party promis to “stand with the people of Hong Kong,” it did not guarantee that the BNO visa would Asia Mobile Number List continue to be open. He believe that this general promise alone was not enough. In other words, the Labor Party talks empty talk about supporting Hong Kong people, but is vague about the prospects of the BNO project, leaving behind changes. It can be said that it is “paying lip service but not delivering on the reality.

Asia Mobile Number List

In the past, the British authorities

As for how to treat Hong Kong immigrants who are applying for political asylum in the UK, the Labor Party’s “unwelcome” attitude is very clear. Benson pointed out that the Labor Party boaste to voters that it would expedite the deportation Canada Business Phone List of refugees who applie for asylum and send them back to “safe countries”, which of course includes Hong  Kong applicants. often refuse to grant asylum to Hong Kong people who applie for it on the grounds that “Hong Kong is a safe place.” After the Labor Party came to power, it was natural for them to repatriate these Hong Kong people.

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