The Discount Coupon War: A Double-Edged Sword

Currently and largely helped by the economic moment in which we are immersed, the use of discount coupons increases in the order of 18% -20% according to various sources consulted, but, we have an obligatory question, are they always the best tool? Are we not feeding the two-headed Bulgaria Mobile Database monster and it will end up eating us? The discount mechanics are very effective mechanics, but at the same time you have to be very cautious and be very careful when using them. The growing use of the internet is making this type of actions and portals increase day by day, which is leading consumers to be increasingly unfaithful to their brands and only buy them when they have a discount. In which cases should a discount / refund mechanism be used for all or part of the amount of the products? Bulgaria Mobile Database

They must always be used in short campaigns.
To meet very specific short-term objectives. Rotating a reference in a strategic period, encouraging the testing of a new product, temporarily breaking the difference with the distribution brand and / or the competition, .. Another very important aspect is the amount to be reimbursed. A campaign with greater economic attractiveness is always more effective, even Brother Cell Phone List if the scope is smaller. You have to think that the consumer only sees the benefit that it brings to him in particular. If the incentive is not enough, you will not get the desired effect. More and more brands are basing their promotional policy on continuously offering discount coupons for their products or services. But, we should ask ourselves if these short-term benefits are really benefiting brands or just consumers and intermediaries.

Converting consumers into “dependent coupons” can put their image of the brand at risk, as well as the future of the brand and even the company itself. The abuse of these types of promotional tactics can have a boomerang effect totally opposite to the desired effect. The company itself runs the risk of becoming a “dependent coupon”, since to sell its products it has accustomed its consumers to these constant discounts because without them, it does not sell. Companies have at their disposal many other promotional mechanisms, incentives and communication tools that help meet sales objectives but also add value to the brand. According to the latest study published by Havas Media Group, Meaningful Brands 2013, brands must become “relevant” for consumers, to succeed. “In Spain, 86% of citizens believe that brands should contribute to improving our quality of life and only 36% trust brands. Devastating conclusion: They would only really miss 11% of brands if in a future will disappear from the market. ”

So when planning our promotional strategy, “The discount” must be an element to be used on time. But we will have to work on mechanics and promotions that give “Value” to the brands at the same time that they help sell their products. It is essential that the brand’s communication line is aligned with the promotions and incentives offered in order to create real brand value for the consumer. This is why each company, each product and at all times must develop an action tailored to help meet specific and measurable objectives.

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