one coordinated by the SPR (N. de R .: Superintendency of Planning and Regulation) and the Palestine Email List other by an Anatel Counselor, coordinate the work aimed at developing projects related to connectivity in public schools. As if that were not enough, the GAPE (N. de R .: Group for Monitoring the Cost of School Connectivity Projects) has greater legitimacy to define and propose this type of project, since it has representatives from the Ministry of Palestine Email List Communications, Ministry of Education and the suppliers responsible for the financial contribution to comply with the bidding obligation ”, says the letter. Palestine Email List According to local media Telesíntese, Vicente Bandeira de Aquino Neto, the agency’s advisor,
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valued that “maintaining this overlap would not only Palestine Email List be unreasonable, but could ultimately affect Anatel’s work, given its limited staff.” And the aspect of human resources was also put on the table, since the agreement contemplated joint work, and Aquino considered the aforementioned media that, “taking into account our limited staff, it is most likely that those who will provide support to GAPE will be the same ones that will be dedicated to the work related to the Cooperation Agreement. Palestine Email List And that could harm the final activities of Anatel ”. And, according to the local media speculations, this cancellation could imply a “retaliation” against the foundation, since it questioned the result of the auction. At that time, Cristieni Palestine Email List , connectivity manager of the Lemann Foundation,
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considered that the amount obtained in the auction was below Palestine Email List expectations and warned of the need to be effective in the strategy to enable the objective of connecting schools. “We understand that it will be necessary to make very efficient use of the R $ 3.1 billion. If you want to connect, you have to be aware of the risk of spending badly, “he said at the time in a dialogue with Teletime, in which he also pointed out the importance of not duplicating efforts and” coordinating to see other public policies, “he said and pointed out examples such as the National Broadband Plan for Schools (Palestine Email List ) and the Connected Education Innovation Program (PIEC). Meanwhile, from the Lemann Foundation they published a statement in which they Palestine Email List assured that the entity.