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which was released moments ago and which also estimates that there are Argentina WhatsApp Number List million smartphones that will be active by the end of 2021; with an adoption rate of 74 percent and that, in a period of four years, 100 million new connections will be generated, bringing that rate to Argentina WhatsApp Number List percent. Even this report, which can be consulted here , warns that the use of mobile Internet is expected to grow and that, to sustain this adoption, regional mobile operators will invest more than 73,000 million dollars in their networks until 2025, with a portion each biggest time dedicated to 5G Argentina WhatsApp Number List It happens that the business of mobile technologies and services generated 7.1 percent of Latin America’s GDP, a contribution that amounted to more than 340,000 million dollars of economic value added,

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while the mobile ecosystem “helped support ”About 1.6 million jobs, directly and indirectly. Regarding Argentina WhatsApp Number List in particular, this work estimates that it is expected to be a reality in 12 percent of total connections in the region by 2025, although there will be countries that will stand out for being above that average. One of those cases will be Brazil, where the projection reaches 20 percent. In all cases, Argentina WhatsApp Number List will continue to be the pillar of the regional mobile industry, propitiating 70 percent of the total connections made until 2025. In this scenario, it is foreseeable that the Internet of Things (Argentina WhatsApp Number List ) will multiply and this is reflected in the estimate that places almost 1,200 million connections by 2025;

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with a special momentum from the corporate segment. The report even estimates that Argentina WhatsApp Number List revenues will reach $ 31.5 billion by 2025. Throughout its 48 pages, this work also dedicates space to mention pending initiatives and subjects, such as, for example, the case of the Argentina WhatsApp Number List digital divide. There, it indicates that around 275 million people continue to be disconnected, that about 96 percent of the population has mobile broadband network coverage, and that there is 40 percent of the population that does have coverage, but does not use it. Mobile Internet due to affordability, lack of digital skills and the Argentina WhatsApp Number List absence of relevant local content, security and protection or the absence of access to facilitators

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