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People are the biggest weakness in the entire process of network security. Attacks against people often have unexpected effects. If you want to exploit people’s weaknesses to attack, then it is very important to collect and understand the target’s information. This article records some commonly used technologies for collecting identity information on people. These technologies are often used for tracing evidence and social engineering attacks.Social Media Number Lookup

0x00 Identity Information Collection in Social Engineering Analysis

There are many dimensions of infor Canada Business Phone List mation in social work analysis about people that deserve attention. But no matter what, identity information social work often starts with some of the most basic information about people. The process of collecting identity information is to use limited information to associate other information as much as possible.

Here, information about people is simply divided into two categories.

The first category is basic information. Such as name , nickname , mobile phone number , email address , various certificates , and social accounts . This type of information can help determine a person’s identity during tracing. It is information that people inevitably use in the process of socializing, used to indicate their identity in society, and is a business card for living in society.Social Media Number Lookup

The second category is other information. Such as place of residence , hobbies , family status , marital status , and occupation . This type of information can help us better understand a person’s living habits and living conditions, and represents the characteristics of a person. It is very useful when generating customized social engineering dictionaries.


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The following introduces the commonly used information collection methods.

1 Search engine keyword search

The dumbest but often most effective way is to search by keywords. However, to achieve better results, it depends on many conditions:

  1. Keywords cannot be too popular. You can choose a combination of multiple keywords related to your target.Social Media Number Lookup
  2. The target must be active on the Internet;
  3. Try to use foreign search engines such as Google and DuckDuckGo. They block fewer web pages and results.

2 Registered website query

There is a type of website on the Intern Canada Business Phone List et that aims to collect and store various user activity information to build user portraits, or to collect databases from previous information leaks. I will not discuss the motivations of such websites or whether they are real and effective, but to a certain extent, they also provide others with a way to obtain more information about the target. By querying the pan-social engineering database, you can obtain the social networking sites that the target has registered on, and even the old passwords.Social Media Number Lookup

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