Search advertising is going to grow higher than expected and ecommerce has a lot to do with this boom

In the online advertising pie, search advertising has traditionally been one of the highlights. Its success has been, in fact, one of the elements that have established the dominance of some great giants of the network, such as Google. When the coronavirus crisis began a year ago, search advertising was Iran Mobile Database one of the major victims and one that analysts feared would be negatively affected by changes in consumption. The tourism industry has been one of the fundamental pieces to settle the data of search advertising and an important part of the data, therefore, of Google. This industry was also one of those that stopped its investment in advertising, since its market had collapsed and mobility had collapsed. Their consumers weren’t looking for tickets to buy or booking hotels. Therefore, they did not need to position themselves in the first results. Iran Mobile Database

However, the search advertising apocalypse never happened. Market data for search advertising has risen in recent months because of a change. It is true that the tourism industry had frozen its investment, but the space it left was being occupied by another market. The ecommerce was in charge of positioning itself in its place. The US market data, just released by eMarketer, can serve as a guide to understand how the change has occurred. In absolute numbers, search advertising has lagged behind expectations in the last year. When an estimate was made in March 2020 of how much the year would close with, it was at $ 63.92 billion. The reality was a little lower and 2021 closed with 61,690 million dollars.

However, the future graph has changed. The projections that are made now about how much Brother Cell Phone List money this market will move are well above those made in 2020. Thus, now it is expected that 2021 will close with 76.520 million dollars (compared to 72.730 million), 2022 with 86.950 million ( vs. 80,160) and 2023 with 97,760 (vs. 86,180). Even in the year in which the data were worse than previously imagined, the figures represent a rise. 2020 closed with spending on search advertising 10.4% higher than the previous year. After this year, growth will continue and, as the totals show, will be higher than expected in 2020. Why is this happening and where do the numbers come from? The key is in a change in trend. Ecommerce has become a crucial piece of ad spend, one that has had a remarkable year.

And that outstanding year has also brought a spin-off effect. Amazon was already growing as an advertising giant, but the year of the coronavirus has accelerated it. This growth in search advertising should not necessarily be understood as a growth in Google advertising, because it is not. Amazon is a fundamental piece that supports this peak. Its weight in the total US advertising market is increasing and this growth underpins the search market. Advertisers, after all, pay for their products to appear prominent when consumers search for their categories. In addition, they remember from eMarketer, this growth of ecommerce has not only benefited Amazon, although it has been the main winner. Other players in the e-commerce industry that include advertising have gained weight.

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