How to move towards 5G and generate use cases for its rapid adoption Namibia Phone Number List Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Skype (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Namibia Phone Number List (Opens in a new window) The discussion of 5G in Latin America must be given in relation to its Namibia Phone Number List, which shows that five out of every 10 households still do not have fixed broadband, even Namibia Phone Number List when there was expansion of connectivity between 2019 and 2020 due to the pandemic. And once in this scenario, it is necessary to ensure conditions of affordability, availability of spectrum,
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accessible prices and reasonable coverage that promotes its expansion. It was to the panorama that Ari Lopes, manager service provider markets of Namibia Phone Number List , raised in the exhibition A look at 5G in the region during the Enrich CALA Caribbean, Special Edition , who after showing how was the evolution of connectivity in the region between 2019 and 2020 Namibia Phone Number List pointed out that, although there are populations with coverage, its inhabitants do not connect, which also shows the need to evangelize about the benefits of accessing the Internet. An aspect that has been talked about in Latin America and that was demonstrated in a report on connectivity in Peru . That is why he stated that the Namibia Phone Number List discussion of 5G in the region should be given taking into account this context.
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And he focused on what happens in the Caribbean where 48 percent of mobile customers are still on 3G against 33 percent of Namibia Phone Number List and 19 percent that remain on 2G networks. If this is the situation at the level of network deployment, the Namibia Phone Number List cannot be the most auspicious in the eyes of the providers. He noted that ARPU was greatly affected in the region, especially in the second quarter of 2020, by Covid-19. The expectation is that part of this loss will recover and return to the levels of 2019, when they were above 14 dollars, against the 12 to 14 dollars they currently register. Lopes noted that “Namibia Phone Number List is not yet mature in the region. However, the Caribbean has some of the earliest 5G developments in Latin America,