After the summer and with an atypical return to Bermuda Email List school, the brands face an unknown environment. Hydroalcoholic masks and gels characterize the Spanish population, but how long will this Bermuda Email List situation last? We are still adjusting to this new way of working, although we all hope it will last as short a time as possible. Six months have passed since the pandemic became official in our country and still 30% of companies do not have a defined Bermuda Email List postcovid strategy .
This is how at least the 5th wave of the “Bermuda Email List COVID-19 and marketing” Barometer released by Good Rebels has clarified it after analyzing the responses of 100 professionals in the sector . Most of them have affirmed that they will be carried away by the slow economic recovery , Bermuda Email List which they hope will end up generating some change in their business. Although the data is not entirely negative, since almost half of those surveyed do have a clear strategy. What is clear is that COVID has forced us to adapt to a situation unknown worldwide. This has caused that a great number of companies see their future affected due to Bermuda Email List the routine change of the consumer. In fact,
if we look at consumer brands Bermuda Email List and manufacturers, they have had to develop direct sales strategies leaving aside the third parties on whom they depended.. “The superdigitalization of organizations is an unstoppable tsunami and it will be a sale leads priority to redesign the customer experience at digital touch points, intensify the sources of income facilitated by the Internet (from online Bermuda Email List sales channels to business models based on mobility) and ensure that there is a real internal transformation of companies, through agile Bermuda Email List cultures, data capture and exploitation systems or flatter hierarchies ”, says Fernando Polo, CEO of Good Rebels.