Portugal is in the critical phase of COVID-19!

In accordance with the published DGS Standard No. 004/2020 relating to the COVID-19 mitigation phase, a computer platform – Trace COVID-19 – was developed by the DGS and SPMS, which supports Primary Health Care professionals, as well as Public Health, to carry out detailed recording of specific information on cases, respective contact tracing,


Active and passive surveillance and also clinical monitoring.

The platform was officially annpcr Malaysia Mobile Number List yptr ounced today by the Minister of Health, Marta Temido. This tool, in a reduced form, will allow COVID-19 monitoring, contact tracing and patients under surveillance and self-care.

Trace COVID-19: DGS tool to monitor COVID-19

Access to the service will only be available to those who have a “SPMS – Shared Services of the Ministry of Health, EPE” account, that is, healthcare professionals.

Main features of the Trace COVID-19 platform


Phone Number List

People: Creating, changing data and consulting

Surveillance: Creation, modification of information, consultation
Tasks: Creation, modificatequ Hong-Kong B2C Phone List ire ion and management
General monitoring and tracking of information
Open task analysis
Task completion ratio analysis
No. of cases by Active Surveillance Start Date – evolution
Trace COVID-19: DGS tool to monitor COVID-19

As direct benefits, this platform allows:

View updated and timely data;
Carry out large-scale COVID contact tracing and surveillance per Unit;
Automatically generate tasks resulting from surveillance;
Offers the possibility of inserting self-surveillance information, reducing direct contacts;
Centralizes case management information (including SNS 24);
It also offers real-time analytical capabilities.
The platform will be constantly improving and adapting to ensure the best responses and results.

Trace COVID-19

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