Oracle would also be responsible for making

How many times have you noticed problems with lighting, potholes in the road, damaged signs, etc. in your municipality? The best thing would be to have an app that could geotag the location and provide the immediate possibility of reporting such problems. The “A Minha Rua” platform does this.My Street report problems related to public spaces Minha Rua allows citizens to report a wide range of situations relating to public spaces.From lighting and gardens to abandoned vehicles and the collection of damaged household appliances.


All reports are forwarded to the Tongliao Mobile Number List selected authority, which will inform you about the process and possible resolution of the problem. And published for public consultation on this portal. “My Street”: report problems related to public spaces My Street is only available to participating Municipal Councils and Parish Councils. To report an incident.You must select the district. Municipality and parish, indicate the address of the incident or select the location on the map.

phone number


Then you must choose the category.Indicate Hong-Kong B2C Phone List the subject and provide a description of the situation encountered. You can also attach an image. You must also enter your personal details in order to receive notifications from the local authority regarding the reported situation. To comment on an incident, simply access its details page and fill out the form.

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