Netflx, Amazon, Crackle, apps and cable TV will raise prices this 2017

Over The Top (OTT) streaming video services had a video entertainment market penetration of more than 21 percent last year, while cable services such as Izzy and Megacable barely achieved 18 and 13 percent, respectively. According to the consultancy at The Competitive South Africa Phone Numbers Intelligence Unit, also known as The CIU , OTTs in our country, such as Claro Video, Netlifx , Cinépolois Click, Cracker, HBO GO, Dish OTT, Fox +, Amazon, Youtube Red , among others , “Are revolutionizing” entertainment, and foresees that in 2018 the consumption of Mexican users on these platforms will exceed 450 million dollars. However, the constant increase in the dollar, which is currently around 22 pesos, will affect consumers of these services in 2017. In an interview with El Financiero, The CIU analyst Gonzalo Rojón said that these streaming services will go up price, although none of these companies has spoken.

According to the analyst, despite a possible increase, services are in full growth in our country, since at the end of last year, Izzy and Sky increased their rates due to volatility. As they are private services that govern their prices by the free market, their entertainment offer will not be affected, on the contrary, some platforms are already preparing exclusive series launches, other OTTs include well-known series and movies, but Netflix and HBO GO create original content, leaving external content to a minimum. According to Phone Number List the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) , in order for the consumption of these services to increase, internet is required throughout the country. Until the second half of 2016, there were 56 broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, so pay TV will become a complement to streaming services.

An analysis by the Business Bureau indicates that the Mexican OTT consumer spends an average of 9.8 hours per week watching these platforms, while pay TV consumers spend 10.2 hours. The growth of the industry in 2016 was higher than 60.3 percent, that is, consumers disbursed more than 7.8 billion pesos, and it is expected that this year the growth will be greater than 65 percent.

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