Netflix and its 8-bit video game with characters from its series

The change in the consumption of audiovisual content is increasingly evident, especially those focused on entertainment, since streaming platforms (SVoD) and Video-on-Demand (VoD) continue to increase. It is estimated that by the end of 2017, VoD revenues will be in excess Buy Uruguay Mobile Phone Number Database of $ 16 billion globally. Only the SVoD will have a market volume of 11 billion dollars, according to data from Statista. This means that there are more and more services that seek to attract the attention of the user of this type of platform. Today we find HBO Go, Crackle or Claro Video .

Netflix is currently the most popular service, it has more than 30 original series , equivalent to more than 600 hours of original content and is expected to reach 1,000 hours this year, according to the Global Web Index. Something that has characterized the Los Gatos company is its marketing strategies, many of them through branded content . He recently launched an 8-bit video game, appealing to the nostalgia of the eighties but with some of the characters from some of his series with greater engagement.

It is Netflix Infinite Runner , an obstacle game with an infinite stage that, naturally, could not compete in the video game market, but rather an action of the platform in order to generate a link with users, since it you can play for free. Among the characters that can be chosen to Phone Number List play in different settings are Pablo Escobar from Narcos, Marco Polo from the series with the same name, Piper Chapman from Orange is the New Black , and Mike Wheeler from Stranger Things . The video game is very similar in structure to the one activated in Google when there are connection problems, in which users can play with a dinosaur and their mission is to jump as much as possible obstacle in order to score as many points as possible.

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