With the war between Russia and Ukraine, several cutting-edge technologies have emerged for use in artillery and communications systems. We recently discussed Zadira, a laser weapon capable of burning drones . Almost like the beginning of a new era in the world of communications, there are also satellites communicating with each other, using laser technology . Military satellites communicated with each other using infrared lasers Satellites communicated with each other using lasers at a distance of 100 km.
A pair of military satellites
Launched last year have successfully completed a series of tests to demonstrate communication using lasers in space, CACI International, the company responsible, has revealed. Although private players are now investing in establishing constellations Portugal Mobile Number List of satellites in orbit, the communication technology used remains more than six decades old. Although communication speeds have improved considerably in recent years, in order to communicate “with each other”, satellites need to send messages to a ground station that acts as a router and forwards that message to another satellite, even if the two satellites are in orbit only a few kilometers apart.
CACI International
Virginia, has revealed that it is working to change this paradigm and has now successfully demonstrated the establishment of a communication link between satellites using lasers. Military satellites communicated with each other using Bulgaria B2C Phone List infrared lasers CACI has deployed CrossBeam free-space optical terminals on satellites to enable optical communication between them. The company claims its technology can enable satellite cross-links as well as two-way satellite-to-ground links using less complex, smaller systems that require less power and are therefore cheaper to operate.