Maxwell is part of a team leading youth


A climate action in Ghana. Maxwell was named the ultimate winner of the Founders day . Writing Contest as the most diverse writer and open movement contributor. Maya Dodd Dr. Maya Dodd completed her Ph.D. He received his PhD from Stanford . University   research at the . Center for Law and Governance at Jinan . University and the South Asian Research Council at Princeton University. She has been working at the university . Since  ves as.   Assistant Dean for Teaching Learning and . Engagement and Chair of the Department of Humanities and Languages.



She also serves the steering committee



Of a digital humanities group founded in India in 2011. Recent work  published in . Exploring Digital Humanities pedagogy . Practices and  Canada WhatsApp Number Institutional Possibilities in India. Her collaborative pedagogy can be accessed in 2017. Paul Blackman is Director of the Barbados Language Center at Barbados Community College, College E-Learning Coordinator and Administrator. He is passionate about open education and its use in education. He was a member of the first cohort of the Open Leadership Institute and is currently . Working on developing policies for integrating.  open educational resources into teaching at Barbados Community College. One of his recent projects is tOER Caribbean to promote the use of OER and knowledge commons across the region.

 Ruby Damenshi-Brown holds a BA in



Psychology and Archeology and an MA in Austria number data Population Studies from the University of Ghana. She also holds a project . Management certificate. She has over 20 years of experience in research monitoring and evaluation and data collection. Projects she has . Worked on include. But are not limited to. The USAID Education Partnership Community . Health Nurse Project and projects in which I served as the Regional Coordinator . Qualitative Team Leader and Data Analyst respectively. She currently works at Open Foundation West Africa as.  Executive Officer and . Head of Training and Evaluation responsible for coordinating and ensuring that the needs of the community are met.


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