Although he continues in secret the projects of Mark Zuckerberg to bring virtual reality to Facebook users, the correct thing is that he continues to experiment with new products, from virtual reality on Chile Phone Number List mobiles, with headbands to a new product, as announced on his social network . This is Oculus, his Virtual Reality ( VR) company with which I recently went to court for allegations of technology plagiarism, the same one with which he announced that he is testing new prototypes for virtual reality controllers.
Inspired by the Minority Report movie, Zuckerberg tries on virtual reality gloves to be used as a keyboard to complex designs. Also, he tested them alongside his Rift headset, in what appears to be a VR kit. According to Zuckerberg , they continue to work on new ways to bring augmented virtual reality to users of the social network, and the gloves are the closest thing to the goal, since with them you can draw, type on a virtual keyboard, and even play to shoot with them as if it were Spider Man.
The gloves have sensors that detect position in virtual time and space, plus the Rift headphones are wireless. The Facebook-owned company previously released handheld touch controllers, however Phone Number List they don’t have the flexibility and dexterity of gloves, especially when it comes to typing and playing while wearing them. Oculus isn’t the only company that works with virtual reality, HTC has a couple of controllers that work like handles, while Valve works with its own line of virtual reality objects. Oculus’ rise began in 2014, when it acquired Nimble VR, a company specializing in hand-tracking technology, showing it as the company that dominates the advancement of VR technologies.