List of South Africa WhatsApp Number Data

For example, if you are calling a Cambodian number from the United States, you would dial+855 12 345678**.


Mobile Operator Codes

After the country code, the next part of the number South Africa WhatsApp Number Data is the mobile operator code. These codes are used to identify the telecommunications provider that issued the number. In Cambodiaeveral mobile network operators exist, and each one has a specific set of codes.

Whatsapp Data

The subscriber number is the unique

identifier for a specific mobile phone line. This number typically consists of six to eight digits, and it follows the mobile operator code.


The total length of a

Cambodian mobile phone number, excluding the country code, can range from eight to ten digits.



In the number+855 12 345678**, the345678** is the Teacher Database List subscriber number.


This part of the number is unique

to each user and ensures that the call or message reaches the correct recipient.Domestic vs. International Dialing in Cambodia



the difference between domestic and international dialing is crucial for avoiding common mistakes when making calls.


Domestic Dialing Format**

When making calls within Cambodia, you do not need to include the country code (**+855**). Instead, you start with the mobile operator code followed by the subscriber number.

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