Controversial: A report studies the fundamentals and promises of Open RAN and Finland Email List debunks its myths? Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Skype (Opens in a new window)Click to share on WhatsApp Finland Email List (Opens in a new window) Open RAN will not increase security, reduce the cost of operators, or stimulate 5G innovation. Yes, that is how clear it is read are some of the judgments that are raised and analyzed in the report entitled “Unmasking 25 Myths of Open RAN” and carried out by Strand Finland Email List Consult, in which they address (and in many cases, refute).
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the Most common claims made by Open RAN proponents themselves. Finland Email List The objective ?: “to create objectivity and transparency”, but also, to open a deep discussion in the sector. Open RAN seems to be surrounded by such a consensus that it is an irrefutable truth, which this report demolishes to propose a broader discussion, in which repeated topics are listed such as, for example, the promise to reduce CAPEX and Mobile operator Finland Email List infrastructure OPEX between 30 and 40 percent. “OpenRAN will not reduce the cost of operators”, says the work of Strand Consult and recalls that Open RAN and O-RAN are 4G / 5G technologies but “not solutions that can replace existing networks” completely; while “they cannot be robust Finland Email List enough to replace 2G and 3G”.
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Thus, this report warns that if an operator wants to adopt Open RAN, it “probably” mFinland Email List ust maintain two sets of parallel base stations: one to run 2G and 3G, and another for 4G and 5G, and therefore bear those costs. “Running two parallel networks increases the costs of rent and energy in one network” says the work and doubles the skepticism: “Some claim that the open RAN is cheaper than the classic RAN and that this translates into lower cFinland Email List osts for end users. If this is true, it is likely to be insignificant. RAN costs represent roughly three percent of an operator’s average revenue per user. ” “At Strand Consult we have nothing against Open RAN. However, we want to create transparency in the O-RAN Alliance, and some of its mFinland Email List embers have rejected it