2020 has become a year of experiences and learning. phone number list A year in which our values and preferences have evolved. The year of the unprecedented revolution , in all areas of our lives. It has also been the year of innovation and technology , two sectors that have had to adapt quickly to the consequences. And like all changes, the questions raised lead us to reflect. How has the evolution been in 2020? How to continue phone number list growing in the face of economic uncertainty? What should businesses do in 2021? Is it a good opportunity for innovation? TheCUBE experts have echoed these questions and answered them within a context of entrepreneurship, technology and innovation, as well as the greatest exponent of radical phone number list innovation in Spain.
Among the innovation learnings phone number list acquired in 2phone number list020, some stand out that will have real consequences in 2021. The impact of the improbable on innovation The improbable also arrives. But they tell us that we have experienced a global pandemic and a snowstorm in phone number list the heart of Madrid at the same time. Situations for which we must be prepared, especially in companies. Adapting to the rhythm in which the world travels is essential to not be left behind, for our survival as a company. Teleworking has phone number list been one of the highlights for 2020, in addition to showing that adapting to new times is possible.
But this is not the only thing necessary, but we have to phone number list have the capacity to evolve and create new services or products that benefit and create value for society. The situation of this 2020 has helped organizations to be sale leads more open to collabora tion sale leads with external agents, to work and co-create together. Large companies are willing to phone number list collaborate and learn, to constructive criticism, to discover new markets and import knowledge from other industries.