Lead Generation with SEO? In this article I want to present you a great success story at Stratego Swat which focuses on SEO optimization and costs as well as the best strategies for growing on Google and acquiring organic customers at very low costs compared to advertising.
The client in question is
Legge3.it – if you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll already know who I’m talking about.
He is a long-standing client of Stratego and together with us he has achieved a lot of results with Facebook and Google.
Today, however, I want to talk to you about the path we have taken with SEO and I will do it together with Adriana Longhitano , our super Head of SEO who has immediately followed the developments and strategies with this client.
Thanks to these tactics today
In 2024, Legge3.it is able to acquire organic leads (therefore from the site) for only €2.7 with a CPC – Cost per Click – of only €0.05.
I really recommend you to read this article very carefully because at the end, I am sure, you will have much clearer ideas about:
how to structure a good SEO strategy ;
what to consider when outlining the strategy;
how much does SEO cost ;
what do SEO positioning costs depend on ;
How to calculate ROI in SEO – why yes, it is calculated.
That said, I wish you a good read.
Lead generation SEO Case Study
Who is Legge3.it and what results has it achieved over the years?
Legge3.it is the first Italian company specialized in resolving cases of over-indebtedness with a 100% success rate and a “Satisfied or Refunded” Guarantee.
When Gianmario Bertollo, founder of Chinese Canada Legge3.it together with his wife Maria Sole Pavan, approached us, the company already had a website that provided him with contacts .
Let’s talk about 2020 and the SEO leads , therefore coming from organic sources, were to be exact 157 (in one year).
And now? After our SEO lead generation work , this is how the situation has evolved:
*In the photo the evolution of SEO results of Legge3.it from 2020 to 2023 .
And in 2024?
From January to mid-June, Legge3.it consultants have already received 1,581 contacts thanks to SEO activity on the website.
O leads that come from the website, organically, and are therefore NOT linked to paid campaigns on Meta or Google nor influenced by the costs of auctions and competition.
This particular condition (that leads arrive organically) often produces a thought in the entrepreneur’s mind…
The contacts that come from the site are free – which is “partially” true.
And I’m SURE, you’re thinking about this right now…
“I also want to have 1,581 contacts in less than 6 months… for free!”
Be careful because you might not like the answer…
In reality these leads ARE NOT FREE.
Yes, because SEO has costs .
Although this activity does not have the costs of advertising campaigns on Meta and Google, it is not a free activity.
Specifically, the price of SEO depends on the rate of the professional or agency that manages the site and the costs associated with link building .
This, in simple terms, means that:
or you dedicate years of study and learn to do SEO independently – and we know that especially for an entrepreneur time is money…
or you rely on professionals who Cracking the Code: Beyond Serial (Boost Sales & Customer Satisfaction) invest their time and experience in optimizing this channel.
Obviously Legge3.it started doing SEO on its own – as happens in most cases.
That’s very true, it’s good to get your hands dirty for a while…
But if you want to get concrete, scalable and measurable results, well, you need to call a professional.
And we come to another big concern… what do SEO costs depend on?