Lawyer Database List Now let’s go back to Renato’s question that he asked me (I’m pasting it again):
“We have the site in Prestashop and next month we would like to switch to WordPress, which in our opinion is more suitable for our target… What do you think Gianpaolo?”
I think the question does NOT make sense.
I replied to Renato like this:
“ The CMS doesn’t count, it’s an instrument . What counts is who uses that instrument and how much they know it . Jimi Hendrix would be a phenomenon even playing a €30 classical guitar, just as I would still be a dud even playing a €10,000 Fender Stratocaster″
That’s exactly right.
CMS are tools that can be used to create masterpieces or crap : it depends on how good the user is.
And so it makes no sense to say
If I really have to give you some Lawyer Database advice on choosing a CMS for e-commerce, I’ll give you this:
1) Magento: a superfluous CMS for beginners (and not only):
In terms of technical “encumbrance” and technological structure complexity, Magento is very often a superfluous juggernaut for the vast majority of e-commerce sites.
Especially those starting out.
One pro of Magento is that it has been trendy for a while and this has led to more agencies specializing (going back to the topic of the importance of knowledge of the tool),
Cons : They often ask for prices for
Its construction that are The communication barrier between much higher than other solutions.
In my opinion, avoid it unless you have specific needs and before seriously selling,
2) Prestashop and Woocommerce
From the point of view of the choice of the entrepreneur I put the