It’s someone else’s country again!

The country with the least shortage of money in the world, office workers change 2 BMWs every year, and 78% of people refuse government money!
post by Dylan
by Dylan

How could such a thing happen?

This country is known as the “world’s least short of money country”. It is common for office workers to change to two BMWs every year. They are even so rich that 78% of the people refuse government financial assistance?

This country is Switzerland! It is a highly developed capitalist Ivory Coast Phone Number List country and one of the richest countries in the world. Not only is its per capita income among the highest in the world, but its unemployment rate and fiscal deficit are also enviably low.

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Switzerland has always been a typical representative Dubai Business Phone List of wealth. In 2016, Switzerland ranked first in the world with a per capita disposable income of US$6,848 (about RM28K) per month.

The average monthly income in Malaysia is RM3153. In other words, the average income in Switzerland is 9 times that in Malaysia, and even a salesperson can earn RM12K a month!



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