Is Email Marketing Still Relevant After Social Media?


Have social networks reduced or eliminated the relevance of email marketing? The signs may seem that way, but the real work shows that this is not the case…
The use of social media has led some to believe that email marketing has lost its relevance as a customer relationship tool. However, let’s forget about personal preferences and consider which strategies work best for business relationships.

It is a common tendency to favor new technologies or equipment

Think that they will replace older ones.

This happens sometimes, but other times there is a rush to Bulgaria Mobile Number List this expectation. We have heard about the disappearance of printed books, newspapers, desktops, and until yesterday, they were all still around.

It’s hard to sell magazines, newspapers, and television programs without explosive news.

For example, this article would have much more appeal if the title was: “It’s official, email marketing is dead. RIP.”

Email marketing is still one of the most relevant strategies in digital marketing!

We are like this, our attention is in high demand and it goes to whoever offers the most. They may only get us to read the first line, but then they can say they have managed to get our attention.

Email, being one of the oldest activities on the internet (if there are any old things on the internet), has been labeled as outdated and, furthermore, its value has been diminished by the exciting possibilities of the current social networks.

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As a strategy, email marketing, however, despite this current burden of ill will, continues to be extremely important as a digital marketing strategy and communication tool.

Result or Fad?

Fads are for traditional advertising campaigns. Digital Bulgaria B2C Phone List marketing is as alive as ever and, although it is old, it is not outdated, it is vintage and cool.

It’s good for you, better informed about what really works in digital marketing, that the fads keep considering important possibilities as outdated.

American marketing has an interesting term for these people. They say they are always chasing shiny objects . They are those people who act like children, always attracted to things that shine…

Don’t be fooled into thinking that contact via social networks will overshadow the relevance of email marketing in business communications. There are several strong reasons for this:

Of the more than 4 billion internet users, 80% use social networks.
Well, 100% of people have email. Even to be able to register on social networks.

Access to your customer is direct via email marketing. It is your registration.
Followers on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and others are definitely important, but they are “property of the respective networks”.

There is nothing that can compare lists of registered users under your administration with those controlled by social networks.We are still learning how to work with social networks.

In email, the “conversation” is more personal and the message can be easily personalized, while this is rarely the case with business communications on social networks.
Research shows that responses to business proposals made via email far outweigh those sent via social media.
ROI, as well as open and engagement rates, are easily accessible metrics in email marketing.
On social media, you only get these numbers if you doadverts.


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