In the north prison of Mexico City, an hour on Facebook is more expensive than cocaine

It has been proven that social networks present addiction in people and mainly in young people. According to the WHO, one in four people suffers from behavioral disorders related to this problem. And that is why the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Bergen together with the Slovenia Phone Number List Bergen Clinics Foundation, made a scale where 6 signs were created that identify addiction to social networks, mainly Facebook. Based on this information, the psychologist Cecilie Schou revealed that the characteristics of a social media addict are very similar to those who suffer from alcoholism and drug addiction.

A few days ago, the newspaper El País, released a couple of videos recorded inside the North Prison, which currently has approximately 10,000 inmates and is overcrowded 60 percent of its capacity. According to the investigation carried out by said medium, inmates who have a mobile device sell an hour on Facebook for much more money than the cost of half a gram of cocaine. That is, inmates who pay $ 40 pesos to use the social network pay a fortune where almost all good and / or service is below ten pesos.

The problem is greater when the use of social networks by prisoners is to search for information and use it for extortion, or to make phone calls related to fake kidnappings. That is why, awareness Phone Number List must be In the north prison of Mexico City, an hour on Facebook is more expensive than cocaine raised about the information that is published on these platforms, from the data that is exposed by users, to the images.

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