If you don’t learn how

Have you ever thought about this: some people are promoted to senior after working for a few years, while some others think they work hard for the company but are still not promoted?

Pay attention to the senior employees around you

They are usually not only capable employees, but also usually know how to work smart. The most obvious difference between seniors and rookies is:

For example, when you accept every request from clients, you will not have enough time to do things well. Realize Belize Phone Number List that your energy is limited. If you take on too much work, you will only be overwhelmed by it.

Listening to a colleague’s presentation while checking emails at the same time, every time you switch your focus, your brain has to give up the original task to adapt to the new one.

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As Nobel Prize winner in Economics

Sima He said, “Too much information will only lead to poor attention.” So every time I write a report or an article, I China Business Phone List will go to the library, turn off the Internet, reduce the amount of information, and avoid distractions. Sure enough, my efficiency will become very high. If I keep the Internet on, I may waste a lot of time just replying to Line and checking Facebook. Only by focusing can I have a good performance and finish the work as soon as possible.

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