How to verify Facebook and Instagram account in 2024

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How to verify Facebook and Instagram account in 2024

Do you have a brand, store, company or organization on Instagram or Hungary Mobile Number List Facebook and want to verify your page? In this article we teach you how to verify your Facebook and Instagram account with the two methods updated for 2024 to get the long-awaited blue check on your profile.

Table of Contents

Why should you verify your Meta account?
Two ways to verify Facebook and Instagram accounts
Free way to verify your account
Advantages and disadvantages:
Meta Verified: get the blue check by paying
Advantages and disadvantages:
Frequently Asked Questions About Account Verification
How much does Meta Verified cost?
Is one payment valid for verifying Facebook and Instagram at the same time?
How many followers do I need to have to get the blue badge?
Marketing Pricing Calculator

Phone Number List
Why should you verify your Meta account?

Credibility and trust: The verification badge is a symbol of authenticity. It helps users recognize that an account is the official one of a well-known person, brand, or entity. This increases audience trust in your brand.
Impersonation Protection: Meta will actively monitor anyone trying to impersonate you – verifying Facebook and Instagram accounts helps protect public figures and brands from imposters and fake accounts. By having the badge, your followers can be sure they are interacting with the correct, authentic account.
Better visibility and reach: It is said, and rumored, that verified accounts will have better positioning in searches within Meta platforms, increasing their visibility and reach, both in searches and in recommendations in the news section and in other people’s comments, attracting more followers. This fact is somewhat unfair to accounts that cannot access verification through any of the methods we explain below.
Access to exclusive features: Some of these exclusive features include exclusive stickers that you can use in stories and reels and 100 stars per month to send to your favorite creators as a reward.
Priority Support: You’ll have access to account Bulgaria B2C Phone List support, which can help you resolve many common issues with real-life assistance.
Potential business opportunities: Having your profile verified can open doors to collaborations and business opportunities, as other companies and brands often prefer to work with verified accounts for their authenticity and reach.
Ultimately, it’s a way to gain trust and prove that your business is real.


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