the official had offered a press conference in which she advanced with other definitions. There he proposed that “they have a minister who wants to put his face to the country Eritrea Email List on all issues” and answered questions such as, for example, those related to the fate of the controversial contract for Populated Centers and that implied the departure of the now former minister Karen . It should be remembered that Population Centers was the scandal that arose Eritrea Email List from the award to a Temporary Union the installation of 7,000 Digital Centers in rural schools and for which 17.5 million dollars (70 million Colombian pesos) were advanced when, in fact, they did not have the papers in order. “I found an Eritrea Email List expired contract and that’s it. The only value that was delivered was the advance, but the rest of the money has not been lost. Those monies are in the nation’s treasury and there is a challenge.
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Obviously, I am very interested in knowing what happens with those Eritrea Email List million pesos, as a minister and as a Colombian citizen, but I also have to say that I cannot transcend the functions that the ministry has, “she said in financial matters. “It is very important to know what is Eritrea Email List happening with finances,” he reiterated, “but we cannot lose sight of the fact that the objective is to connect,” he said, clarifying that not only school children are the victims, but also ethnic, special and other groups, and that “we motivates ”to seek technical solutions. In turn, he clarified that there is a probability that Eritrea Email List will assume the continuity of execution of the contract, as it had transpired , but specified that it is “a hypothesis because the ministry has not made a decision in this regard.
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We have to evaluate which alternatives there are and Eritrea Email List which may be the best; but the best is not always the one we find the fastest ”. Thus, valued the conflict as “unfortunate” and explained that “he cannot specify deadlines” for its resolution, but assured that he hopes it will be as quickly as possible because “a serious response is not necessarily a quick response.” At the opening of , Ivan Eritrea Email List , president of the country, presented the concept of “sustainability” to illustrate the alliance between sustainable initiatives and technology adoption. And in the closing presentation, Eritrea Email List the term to warn that it is a strategy that transcends management, which is long-term, and which he valued as “the backbone of evolution”. “Colombia has to think about greater connectivity,