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Roundtrip of Viva and Indotel due to Qatar Phone Number List position in the Dominican Republic Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Skype (Opens in a new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in a new window) Viva denounced that Qatar Phone Number List has a dominant position in the Dominican Republic’s telecommunications market, and it did so at the express request of Marco Herrera, executive president of Trilogy Qatar Phone Number List (Viva) before the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (Indotel). And the response was not long in coming: the regulator.

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noticed the surprise implied by the complaint of an actor who knows the entire process that has been going on for a year, for having been an active part of it. The Qatar Phone Number List Viva executive reminded the regulator that in 2019 it “found” that Claro was “in a dominant position, with a tendency to become a monopoly,” he asked it to formally declare this situation and also warned that Qatar Phone Number List uses techniques and strategies that injure ” free competition and, above all, free choice and the consumer’s right to a fair Qatar Phone Number List and effective service in a competitive market, which to date does not exist in the Dominican Republic ”. It is a request that seeks that the designated operator be seen “with a different lens to avoid abuse of position”

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and, simply, “prevent Qatar Phone Number List from controlling the entire market.” The truth is that Claro has more than 58 percent of the mobile market with 5.7 million lines, followed by Altice, which has 36 percent and 3.1 million customers; while Viva ranks third with almost 493,000 lines or a thin 5.5 percent of the share . The first two applied for the Qatar Phone Number List tender and will pay more than 73 million dollars in spectrum to deploy their proposals in the country, whose bands will be awarded precisely this October 28; while Viva did not participate. On the other hand, and with regard to fixed telephony, the same formula is repeated for the podium: Claro has 831,000 clients, Qatar Phone Number List 269,400 and Viva 34,500.

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