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The Argentine province of Mendoza advances in the shared Slovenia Phone Number List use of poles and investment in connectivity Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Skype (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Slovenia Phone Number List (Opens in a new window) The government of the province of Mendoza, located in the Cuyo region, in western Argentina, is advancing in a strategy that looks favorably upon the shared use of resources and, therefore, established Slovenia Phone Number List an agreement with Internet operators and the representatives of the electricity companies to share the poles and equalize the possibility of accessing the deployment of lines. In this context, in addition,

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a line of credit was announced for the deployment of fiber optics in productive areas for 2.5 million dollars and investment in public infrastructure (specifically, in poles) in just Slovenia Phone Number List over three million dollars ($ 300 millions of pesos). “We signed an agreement with the electricity companies and with Internet service providers so that there is a shared use of the poles. It was a work of many months to put a single order of use for the entire province ”, said Enrique Slovenia Phone Number List , Minister of Economy and Energy province; He explained that the Provincial Electric Regulatory Body (EPRE) was the one who detailed the technical and economic conditions and underlined the inter-Slovenia Phone Number List consensus that was reached to “improve connectivity in Mendoza: this serves for all families.

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and also for the knowledge industry.” The truth is that the provincial government has been working in this regard and in the drafting of a resolution that allows the shared Slovenia Phone Number List use of light poles by the different service providers, whether they are electricity, Internet or mobile telephony. And, perhaps for this reason, Rodolfo Bianchi, representative of the Argentine Chamber of Small Internet Providers (Slovenia Phone Number List ) and the San Rafael Agricultural Industry Chamber of Commerce, recalled that they have been fighting this agenda in Congress for more than a decade, traveling to Latin American forums and more, to later consider that this novelty implies “a change” and “what the province of Mendoza and all the Slovenia Phone Number List towns in Argentina needed: to reach a consensus on the use of poles so that connectivity can reach all homes “.


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