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as proposed by the National Development Plan “pact for Colombia, pact for Ecuador Cell Phone Numbers List equity ”, aimed at narrowing the digital divide. But around this time he also presented a “self-surveillance” initiative aimed at telecommunications operators in order to promote a different culture in compliance with legal, regulatory and regulatory commitments. As reflected by local media such as Ecuador Cell Phone Numbers List , the minister indicated that the plan involves benefiting more people with technology appropriation programs such as TIC Mission 2022, Programming for Boys and Girls, Ecuador Cell Phone Numbers List Cell Phone Numbers List nde Digital and the platform Ecuador Cell Phone Numbers List aimed at strengthening and promoting APPS entrepreneurs .CO, among others; a strategic plan that involves having more than 100,000 programmers by the end of the management;

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“Today more than 50,000 are Ecuador Cell Phone Numbers List being trained and we have all kinds of people: women, young people, even senior citizens training thanks to this initiative,” said Ecuador Cell Phone Numbers List Rojas. Framed by the same strategy, this management aims to have 10,000 Digital Centers installed throughout the country: «We are already in just over 1,700 that have been installed, with cut-off in the middle of the year 2021. We still have this second semester to complete more of 4,600 and what corresponds to the year Ecuador Cell Phone Numbers List “, said the official and reinforced that” efforts on this front do not stop and they will not stop. ” It should be remembered that within the framework of the oath and possession of the position,

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which barely accredits 10 days; The president reminded him that Ecuador Cell Phone Numbers List Rojas «has in these 10 months (remaining to conclude with the current government administration) an enormous task of materializing and continuing to advance in the connectivity of the deep Colombia and leaving an indelible mark on the Internet of high speed “said Ecuador Cell Phone Numbers List and entrusted him:” You have the great challenge of overtaking this last great mile. ” According to official indicators, the country has three million homes connected to high-speed, fixed and mobile Internet, and the objective involves Ecuador Cell Phone Numbers List reaching all homes and educational centers in the country. However, October culminated with a very active agenda at the MinTic; Among other reasons, because

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