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States first, Hong Kong second, Sweden third, fourth Denmark and 1Venezuela WhatsApp Number List 5th China; left at the bottom of the list Brazil (51st), Mexico (56th), Peru (57th), Colombia (59th), Argentina (61st) and, lastly, Venezuela (64th). In its introduction, this work that can be observed here, recalled that the health emergency that the world went through – to a large extent in 2020 and that, Venezuela WhatsApp Number List although it declined in some latitudes, has not yet concluded – imposed economic, health and technological infrastructure challenges, but also interpersonal relationships and business development. “In fact, it is the ability of economies to use digital technologies to transform themselves that IMD World Measures the Digital Competitiveness Venezuela WhatsApp Number List Ranking,” the work warned and noted that the countries that obtained the best results were.

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those owners of strong future preparation, that is that is, with flexible Venezuela WhatsApp Number List and agile individuals and companies. Thus, the global comparison analyzed fields such as knowledge (talent, education and scientific concentration), technology (regulatory frameworks, capital and technological framework) and preparation for the future (adaptive attitudes, business agility and integration Venezuela WhatsApp Number List of information technologies). “The top 10 economies in the ranking focus on building their talent, strengthening the knowledge infrastructure to develop and use digital technology, providing an effective regulatory framework that allows the development and introduction of technologies, and combining adaptability individual Venezuela WhatsApp Number List with business agility ”, evaluated the Latin American Internet Association.

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(ALAI). And he compared with the economies that are among the last Venezuela WhatsApp Number List locations: “The implicit challenge that results from the last 10 places is worrying: Latin America is in a state of complete disadvantage in the face of the global (or digital) economy, since five of the worst rated nations belong to the region. ” “To this is added that Latin America and the Venezuela WhatsApp Number List Caribbean, due to the pandemic, lost 26 million jobs and recorded a 7.4 percent drop in GDP in 2020, according to data from the Inter-American Development Bank; and, as if that were not enough, poverty (extreme and moderate) is expected to increase by about five percentage points of the population, “said Venezuela WhatsApp Number List . And, from the comparison of hard indicators and open responses, Mexico dropped two places


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