How To Build An Opt-In Email List

Every online Marketer’s goal should be to become successful. To become successful online the most important tool you need is a constant source of targeted traffic. That’s where the Opt-in Email List comes in.

An Opt-In Email List is Uganda Email List sa list of people who have opted in / gave you their email addresses in exchange for something, usually a free report or to request more information. These people have “asked you” to send them more information via email on a specific topic. This makes them targeted as they want more information, from you, on a specific topic.

This List acts a constant source of traffic for you. You must follow up with quality information on that specific topic to keep them wanting more from you. Then when you promote a product on the same topic that they want more information on they are most likely to buy from you as you have provided quality information to them and they still want more. This is known as Email Marketing.

Now that you know why you need an Opt-in email list, I’m going to tell you How to Build an Opt-In Email List.

Step 1 – Choose a profitable Niche / Target Market

Choosing the right Niche / Target market is the most important step. This will make or break your online business. Your Target market / Niche should be a profitable one i.e. the people in that niche must be willing to buy; they must have money to spend.

A quick way to check if your target market is profitable is to do a search on Google for the Main keyword of that niche e.g. if your target market is make money online then you would do a search on Google for make money online, if it’s on dog care then you’d do a search for Dog care. On the search results page check to see if there are “Sponsored Links” on the right hand side of the page. If there are 5 or more then that niche is profitable as people are paying to advertise for that keyword in that niche.

Step 2 – Create a Website / Lead page / Opt-in Page

Now the first thing you want to do when Building An Opt-In Email List is to create a website to capture all the subscribers / leads from the traffic which you are going to be sending to it.

This type of website is called a Lead capture page or an opt-in page. What it consists of is an Attention grabbing heading, a Strong beneficial sub heading a little bit about the email list i.e. what they are going to receive when they opt-in to your email list, and a Simple Opt-in form. You can get an opt-in form from your Autoresponder account which we will be talking about in the next step.

Step 3 – Create an Autoresponder account

An Autoresponder is a “tool” that every online marketer uses to send emails to their list as sending each subscriber an email from your normal email account takes way too long. In your account you must first create an Autoresponder for your list. Next you want to get the opt-in form code from the Autoresponder. Then place it on your opt-in page so you can start generating subscribers to your list. There are many Autoresponder services out there, just do a search on Google and you’ll find one. I use Monster Response.

You can add a pre-written series of quality information emails to your Autoresponder so when you gain subscribers you can sit back, relax and watch the money come in. This pre-written series must include quality information on the topic you chose and you could add a product recommendation to make some money. The product you choose must be on the same topic and must be w

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